Who Inspires You to Give? Honoring a Faithful Servant

On this Moravian Day of Giving, we celebrate the people who inspire us to give—those whose generosity, service, and faith encourage us to take action.

A special thank you to Rosemary E. Berger, a lifetime member of Ebenezer Moravian Church, for sharing the story of someone who has deeply inspired her: her brother-in-law, Tom Naatz. Through decades of service, leadership, and outreach, Tom has embodied the spirit of giving, inspiring not only Rosie but his entire congregation.

A Life of Faithful Service

“I have never not known Tom to be doing something for church,” Rosie shares. From teaching Sunday school and confirmation classes to leading youth group and church game nights, Tom has given his time and energy to Ebenezer in countless ways.

Over the years, he has served in nearly every leadership role possible—Elder, Trustee, Christian Education Committee member, and past member of the Building Committee. Currently, for the third time, he serves as vice chair of the Board of Elders, stepping in whenever the pastor is away.

Tom’s deep faith and willingness to serve became especially evident during times of transition. When Ebenezer was without a pastor, Tom conducted more services than any other layperson in the congregation. He was even asked by a grieving family to lead a funeral service, a testament to the trust and faith his church community places in him.

Bringing Faith to the Community

Tom’s impact extends beyond the walls of Ebenezer. Thirty years ago, he founded one of the church’s most impactful community outreach programs: The Adopt-a-Family Christmas Program.

Coordinated through Jefferson County Human Services, this initiative has grown significantly under Tom’s leadership. In the last three years alone, Ebenezer has raised over $3,000 annually, providing Christmas gifts and meals for an average of 30 children from 12-13 families each year.

Originally, Tom handled most of the shopping, wrapping, and delivering of gifts himself. But today, his leadership has inspired a team to help carry out this effort, ensuring more families experience the joy of Christmas.

Faith in Action

Tom’s love for sports and fellowship shines in everything he does. He finds creative ways to connect faith and fun, ensuring church activities are not only meaningful but also uplifting, engaging, and full of joy.

“When I hear what Tom is working on, I feel inspired to help in some way,” Rosie says. “Often it is financial, but it may also mean becoming involved and providing a helping hand.”

Tom’s servant-hearted leadership has been a blessing to his congregation and a source of strength for incoming pastors. “I have often thought how fortunate new pastors must feel when coming to Ebenezer—that they have someone like Tom to help them get used to how things are done in this congregation.”

Inspired to Give

On this Moravian Day of Giving, we honor Tom Naatz and all those like him—people whose generosity inspires others to give, serve, and make a difference.

Who inspires YOU to give?

Today, we invite you to give in honor of someone who has shaped your faith and generosity.