Caring for creation

In his book Every Good Thing, Dr. David Jones shares four reasons that followers of Christ should be caring for creation. The one that resonated with me the most was: “We care for creation because it reveals God’s character.” Dr. Jones goes on to write: “We should also be motivated to engage with and care…

Array of sunshine at Union Cross

The future’s so bright, they’ve gotta wear shades! Imagine being able to supply all the power your three-building church campus needs plus more AND leading the way in environmental stewardship at the same time! That’s exactly what Union Cross Moravian Church has been able to do with their solar array. Financial stewardship The return on…

Get Freed Up!

Did you know there are more scriptures in the Bible about money than faith and prayer combined? Jesus knew money could not only cause stress and harm relationships, but it could also separate us from God. Luckily it doesn’t have to! Your Moravian Ministries Foundation is excited to partner with a new faith-based money management…

Caring for all of creation

When I worked at Laurel Ridge, one January day it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed. I had never seen anything like it. After the storm passed, the sky was a brilliant Carolina blue and the sun was shining, so my husband and I decided to go for a walk. I will never forget…

Forming faithful stewards

Forming faithful stewards, together

“For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” Ephesians 2:10 Stewardship is about much more than money, and it’s more than what we do through our church. It’s a way of life; it’s our identity. God created us…

Image of flipping calendar

Stewardship Spotlight: Recurring Stewardship

Isaiah 43:19 begins with “See, I am doing a new thing!” It is safe to say we are all doing new things this year, whether it’s having groceries delivered, worshiping online, or teaching our children from home. How has your stewardship changed during this pandemic? What new things are you doing to give of your…

Red sauce and rice with chicken and sausage

I love to tell the story

As our world continues to be impacted by a pandemic, our communities of faith continue to look for ways to be generous stewards through giving their time, talent, treasure, and testimony to be a part of God’s work. A few weeks ago we invited people to share their “washing one another’s feet” story with us…

Who we are: Laura Watson

Stewardship in all circumstances

Many churches have made the difficult decision to cancel worship services this Sunday. Your community of faith still wants to participate in church giving, so what can you do to allow them to contribute even when the doors are closed? Your Moravian Ministries Foundation offers the following suggestions to encourage ongoing financial stewardship: Clearly communicate…

Good Calvary Communion silhouette

Learning and practicing abundance

I recently attended the Lake Institute’s “Congregations Learning and Practicing Abundance” class at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Over the course of two days, we examined how congregations learn, scarcity as an invisible norm, and how to move to a mindset and practice of abundance. Using Tim Shapiro’s book, “How Your Congregation Learns” (which I highly…