

MMFA Resources are here to help clergy, trustees and elders, stewardship leaders, individuals, groups, and communicators better communicate with congregations and fellowships. If you have any questions about the information here, please call us during office hours.

Looking for resources to help you develop the essential areas of stewardship? Visit each section below for valuable ideas, samples, downloads, and more!

Four Stewardship

A healthy stewardship ministry should incorporate these four stewardship essentials:

Four Stewardship Essentials Overview: A thriving stewardship ministry begins with a foundation in faith, fueled by a shared mission, empowered by inspired leaders, and brought to life through the joyful commitment of time, talent, treasure, and testimony—transforming lives and communities for God’s glory.

1. Theology
  • Small Group Study Guide: Small groups are a great way to educate and form generous stewards. This resource shares 21 different scripture passages for study, including a discussion guide and a printable page for recording answers.
  • Stewardship Scripture
  • Qualities of a Christian Steward: A Christian steward is someone who is compassionate, content, generous, grateful, loving, loyal, obedient, prayerful, responsible, sacrificial, shares, and trustworthy, as outlined in the document (with scripture references).
2. leadership
  • Stewardship 2025: Suggestions for stewardship leaders in a church focusing on education, communication, and celebration of gifts, as well as assessing and improving stewardship ministry.
  • Questions for Stewardship Leaders: What is stewardship and why is it important to your church or faith community?
  • Financial Transparency Tips discusses tips for organizations to focus on the mission and ministry of the congregation when discussing money, and avoid reinforcing a scarcity mindset.
  • Money Talk
3. mission & vision

Mission Statement Assessment: Guide for evaluating a church’s mission statement based on seven criteria, as well as providing questions and steps for developing and implementing a mission statement. ​

4. whole life focus
Creation Stewardship
Financial Stewardship
  • Appeal Letter Tips help you incorporate time-tested best practices and effective phrases into your appeal letters.
  • Pledging FAQs questions about making a financial commitment that are critical to answer in church communications.
  • Financial Transparency Tips discusses tips for organizations to focus on the mission and ministry of the congregation when discussing money, and avoid reinforcing a scarcity mindset.

Gift Resources

Looking for assistance with wills, powers of attorney, or our Moravian Giving Portal?

Access resources below or contact our office during business hours.


MMFA is proud to partner with to provide an online legal document preparation tool called Legacy Planner™. This tool is capable of generating wills, powers of attorney, and other legal documents. It also includes instructions on notarizing and correctly filing the documents in your state. In addition to the legacy planning tool, our planned giving resources provide individuals with helpful hints and examples around generous giving now and in the future.

Legacy Planner Tool

Investment Management

We’re your partner for savvy investment management and administration. Moravian individuals, congregations, and ministries all benefit from the combined power and economies of scale available through pooled investment solutions.

Learn more about Pooled Investment & The Common Fund here: