Growing community in Greensboro

Growing Community. Grant from Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund through MMFA
Grant from Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund through MMFA
Children set the first plants during dedication service led by The Rev. Barbara Styers.

Growing community isn’t about size. First Moravian Church in Greensboro, NC isn’t the biggest church in town. But thanks to a grant through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America (MMFA), it just might be growing community that’s second to none — and producing a bountiful harvest. A new Servants’ Garden, with more than 30 raised beds, is transforming what used to be an unused hillside behind the parsonage into fertile ground. It’s ready to engage a growing community to feed hungry neighbors, including a refugee family sponsored by the congregation. The first plants were set in place during a dedication service, led by the Rev. Barbara Styers, on Sunday, June 26.

Director of Christian Education Meredith Yarborogh Cohoon has also created a garden-themed Vacation Bible School curriculum for this summer.

The grant was made possible by your generous gifts to the Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund.

Congregation singing during garden dedication. Grant. MMFASponsored family dines in the garden.Congregation singing during garden dedication. Grant. MMFACongregation singing during garden dedication. Grant. MMFA