What are Development Services?

MMFA’s Development Services provide coaching and guidance to help your ministry build capacity and make informed decisions about fundraising.

Why do these services matter?

MMFA’s Development Services help you grow the resources you need to support and strengthen your ministry.

What do MMFA’s Development Services look like?

We help Moravian ministries with capital fundraising by conducting feasibility studies and sharing capital campaign resources and best practices. We also partner with Moravian agencies and new and emerging ministries to strengthen their fundraising efforts.

Successful ministries require a broad base of support. MMFA provides a comprehensive approach to feasibility studies, valuable guidance for fundraising and special appeals, and a wealth of capital campaign resources. From understanding the possibilities to capturing their full potential, our goal is to help you grow the resources needed to support and strengthen your ministry.

Learn more about each of MMFA’s free development services below.

If your church or agency is considering a capital campaign, chances are you’ve already identified the projects you’d like to fund: new construction, renovations, debt elimination, new ministries.
You may even know how much money it will take to accomplish your goals. But do you know how your supporters feel? Do you have a sense of their understanding of the proposed projects and their willingness to give?

MMFA provides feasibility studies at no cost to your ministry. We engage your supporters in conversations about the potential campaign to assess:

  • How they view the church/agency/ministry
  • How they view the proposed project(s) to be funded by the campaign
  • Whether the campaign goal is realistic
  • Whether the church/agency is ready to conduct a campaign
  • Whether there are people willing to volunteer for the campaign

More specifically, the feasibility study will answer some of the following questions:

  • Is the proposed project perceived as important?
  • Does the project make sense?
  • Are people who can make major gifts likely to do so?
  • How much money is the church/agency likely to raise?
  • What are the best strategies for the campaign?
  • Are there enough people willing to help with the campaign, and will they be dedicated enough to see it through to completion?
  • What is a reasonable timetable for the campaign?
  • What must the church/agency do to get ready?
  • What factors will be important for the campaign to succeed?

Beyond campaign-related data and conclusions, the feasibility study will also give insight into how people feel about the church’s/agency’s mission and ministries, their regard for the staff, and their hopes for the organization’s future.

From determining the right questions to ask to presenting the findings, MMFA guides every step of the study.


Click here to learn more about the feasibility study process with MMFA.

We help Moravian ministries strengthen their support in a variety of ways, including:

  • Analyzing existing fundraising efforts
  • Creating a comprehensive development plan
  • Training staff and agency leadership on effective fundraising techniques
  • Sharing current fundraising trends and best practices
  • Providing resources for annual and special appeals, donor stewardship, major gift solicitation, and more

In addition to conducting campaign feasibility studies, MMFA:

  • Meets with leadership to assess campaign readiness
  • Develops a customized gift table to assist leadership with determining if the campaign goal is realistic
  • Shares campaign best practices and strategies for success
  • Provides a broad range of campaign resources, including:
    • management timelines
    • campaign chair and committee responsibilities,
    • brochure, letter and pledge card samples
    • campaign kickoff event basics
    • major gift solicitation

Is your ministry or organization considering a capital campaign? Here are five key questions to consider before starting the process.

For FREE? Yes!

MMFA is pleased to offer development services at no cost to your ministry. When possible and appropriate, we will meet with your group in person; however, we are also available for virtual consultations.