Growing community isn’t about size. First Moravian Church in Greensboro, NC isn’t the biggest church in town. But thanks to a grant through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America (MMFA), it just might be growing community that’s second to none — and producing a bountiful harvest. A new Servants’ Garden, with more than 30 raised beds, is transforming what used to be an unused hillside behind the parsonage into fertile ground. It’s ready to engage a growing community to feed hungry neighbors, including a refugee family sponsored by the congregation. The first plants were set in place during a dedication service, led by the Rev. Barbara Styers, on Sunday, June 26.
Director of Christian Education Meredith Yarborogh Cohoon has also created a garden-themed Vacation Bible School curriculum for this summer.
The grant was made possible by your generous gifts to the Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund.