Laura joined the Foundation in April of 2012. A native of Winston-Salem and member of Home Moravian Church, she has worked in the Florida school system, at Salem College, and as Assistant Director of Laurel Ridge, the Southern Province’s camp and conference center. When she’s not busy with stewardship for the Foundation, Laura enjoys running and fundraising for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), as well as traveling with her husband, Mark. She has served on the Salem Academy and College Board of Trustees, the Salem Academy Alumnae Board, and the Triad JDRF Board of Directors.

Improving our relationship with money

In his book God Vs. Money, Clif Christopher writes, “I began to explore where our priorities were and whether our strivings were moving us closer or farther away from a relationship with our Creator.” Are you also thinking about what you value, what brings you happiness, and (hopefully) what brings GOD happiness? When it comes…

Just say ‘no’ to stewardship campaigns

As fall rapidly approaches, many communities of faith are making plans for “a stewardship campaign” (CRINGE!). If you’re one of them, here are four important areas to consider before you go any further: Current trends Be aware of inflation’s impact on everyone. If the current rate holds, giving will need to increase by 9% for…

Stewardship strategies

MMFA is pleased to share the following list of summertime stewardship strategies and tips for pastors and stewardship leaders. Steps for continuing to nurture generous stewards during the summer Start! We often relegate stewardship to a four-week focus in the fall that helps church leaders prepare a budget for the coming year. Stewardship is much…

Is money on your mind?

Did you know most polls find that nearly three-fourths of Americans are worried about their finances? Yet we know God wants something better for us than fear and doubt, and we experience great joy when we’re able to use money to support God’s work in the world. If you are concerned about your finances or yearning…

Financial freedom is possible!

On April 19 your Moravian Ministries Foundation began our first virtual Freed Up Financial Living class; we have participants from North Dakota, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania and are excited to journey together over the next five weeks. During the first session we talked about: What financial freedom looks like to everyone Our “money motivators” (security,…

Caring for creation

In his book Every Good Thing, Dr. David Jones shares four reasons that followers of Christ should be caring for creation. The one that resonated with me the most was: “We care for creation because it reveals God’s character.” Dr. Jones goes on to write: “We should also be motivated to engage with and care…

Get Freed Up!

Did you know there are more scriptures in the Bible about money than faith and prayer combined? Jesus knew money could not only cause stress and harm relationships, but it could also separate us from God. Luckily it doesn’t have to! Your Moravian Ministries Foundation is excited to partner with a new faith-based money management…

“I was hungry and you fed me”

According to Feeding America, in 2020 at least 60 million people received food from food banks, food pantries, and other private charitable food programs. However, thanks to the overwhelming public and private response to hunger in the United States, in its recent Household Food Security in the United States in 2020 report, the USDA shared…

Caring for all of creation

When I worked at Laurel Ridge, one January day it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed. I had never seen anything like it. After the storm passed, the sky was a brilliant Carolina blue and the sun was shining, so my husband and I decided to go for a walk. I will never forget…