Laura joined the Foundation in April of 2012. A native of Winston-Salem and member of Home Moravian Church, she has worked in the Florida school system, at Salem College, and as Assistant Director of Laurel Ridge, the Southern Province’s camp and conference center. When she’s not busy with stewardship for the Foundation, Laura enjoys running and fundraising for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), as well as traveling with her husband, Mark. She has served on the Salem Academy and College Board of Trustees, the Salem Academy Alumnae Board, and the Triad JDRF Board of Directors.

The freezer is always open

Eleven years ago, East Hills Moravian Church started a freezer ministry to provide meals to members or neighbors in a time of need. Frozen meals were also made available when others in need came knocking at the church door. Over time, East Hills’ meal production expanded to approximately 3,000 meals a year. When Covid hit…

Bethabara Food Pantry provides needed support

The Bethabara Moravian Food Pantry is an important source of food assistance in the church’s neighborhood. Averaging 40 families a month at the end of 2022 (an increase of 12 to 15 families over the prior four months), the Pantry serves the immediate area as well as some people from southern Forsyth County. Thanks to…

Grant provides food security

For over forty years Sunnyside Ministry’s food pantry has been living Matthew 25:35. “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.” The pantry is a source of food security for many in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Winston-Salem, NC. It’s open five days a week and often provides food to as many as…

Two join Grant Advisory Committee

We are excited to welcome two new members to MMFA’s Grant Advisory Committee: Caroline Averitt and Pam Streich. Caroline Averitt Caroline is a North Carolina native, nonprofit champion, and lifelong Moravian. After attending UNC Chapel Hill, Caroline began graduate studies in Nonprofit Management at UNC Greensboro. She joined Americorps VISTA with placements at the Boys…

Wonderfully Made at You Belong

As Rev. Greg and Amy Behrend reflect on You Belong’s first year of ministry, they see God at work, “weaving together a beautiful tapestry in this developing faith family.” You Belong’s Wonderfully Made program continues to be at the center of that work. The growing group has now welcomed 62 people to all kinds of…

A new year. A new thing.

“Do not remember the former thing, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:18-19 Let’s get right to it. Change can be hard and trying something new can be scary. Especially for the church. But 2022 further accelerated…

Your generosity is blessed

When Jesus blessed one boy’s humble gift of two fishes and five loaves, it was made to feed thousands. And there were twelve baskets of leftovers! Your generosity through the Moravian Ministries Foundation in America (MMFA) is blessed too! Your gifts to the Moravian Hunger & Thirst Field of Interest Fund on the Moravian Day…

A new relationship with money

What is FreedUp? FreedUp is a financial stewardship training program that improves your relationship with money. It offers current resources to help guide and equip you to improve your relationship with money, through biblical wisdom. The app addresses all components of financial stewardship. Including: Earning Giving Saving Spending Debt Who is FreedUp for? Everyone can…